Tuesday, May 24, 2011

With a Little Help From My Friends

Sunrise, facing South-Southeast from the Texas Street Bridge, 5.17.11 at about 6:30 a.m.

So it's done.  I turned 30 and I'm none the wiser.  But I did run 16 miles on May 17th to work at the Bossier Parish Courthouse, I worked a full day (in compression socks, of course), and after the docket was done, I ran 14 miles from the Courthouse to Bear's for some drinks with some good buddies.  Pretty cool to have some friends that are willing to drink beer until 10pm on a Tuesday to celebrate my birthday.

The 16 miler took 2 hours and 15 minutes (no stops), and the 14 miler took 2 hours 10 minutes (a couple of stops for water, Snickers, Powerade, and some filming).

Adam Causey filmed the morning run and the footage looks downright professional.  I filmed the afternoon run and it looks pretty sorry.  I hope my editing does Adama's video skills justice, I'll keep my footage to a minimum, and I will have that posted asap.  Cannot thank him enough. 

Adam eating a sandwich.  Thank you Facebook.  Dude can film.

Mike McHalffey and I barely know each other, but I run with his downtown crew now and then, and we see each other at races around Shreveport and New Orleans.  He runs with a group that leaves the YMCA everyday at noon -- two weeks ago I ran with those guys, told them what I was up to, and Mike said he was game for the afternoon leg of the 30-miler.  He said he'd be at the Bossier Public Defender's Office at 4pm ready to run.  And he was.  Awesome. 

I have a feeling you'll see his name again on this blog . . .

McHalffey:  UltraMarathoner, IronMan, Team Cyco co-founder.  Dude can run.
Adam met us at foot of the Texas Street Bridge on the Bossier side around 6pm that afternoon and the 3 of us trucked on to Bear's.

Sunrise from Texas Street Bridge facing West

Sunrise facing South-Southwest

My favorite picture from that morning.  The video looks really cool too (thanks Adam).

Really appreciate Adam and Mike and all the folks that came out to Bear's.  Thanks for a great 30th Birthday.

A great day for a run, and a great way to start being all mature and stuff. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maturity: I will soon be wiser than everyone in their 20s.

26th Judicial District Courthouse, Bossier Parish, Benton, Louisiana


1.     I turn 30 on May 17th, 2011. 
2.     I am an indigent defender and I have a full day of court on my 30th birthday. 
3.     The courthouse (pictured above) is 16.2 miles from my house. 
4.     I am going to run to work.
5.     I am going to run home from work, too.  But I'm stopping at mile 14.  At Bear's.
6.     Bear's is a bar and it's a good place to stop if you're thirsty.
7.     It's 14 miles from the Courthouse to Bear's.
8.     My public schooling tells me that's 30 miles.

-Compression socks?  Check. 
-Inov-8s?  Check. 
-Body Glide?  Check. 
-Playlist full of Genesis, Natalie Merchant, and Sting? (Maturity, deal with it.)  Check. 
-Friends to meet me at Bears on a Tuesday afternoon?  Facebook.
-Is there a shower at the public defender office?  No.  Ewww.


Bear's Oyster Bar

